



Course Description

“Signal Processing Based on Biomedical Statistics” introduces the applications of digital signal processing and statistical theories and techniques into biomedical signals and systems. This course will present the analysis and representation of biomedical signals using the intersection of biostatistics, signal processing, machine learning and optimization theory. It aims at elaborating the benefits and limitations of various approaches (e.g., state-of-the-art statistical processing methods and latest techniques based on deep learning, multimodality machine learning and graph neural networks) and specifying the way to identify proper solutions to biomedical applications through case study. “Signal Processing Based on Biomedical Statistics” is an interdisciplinary course that incorporates classical methods and latest techniques for signal and image processing and theories and techniques for statistical analysis in a variety of biomedical signals, including bioelectrical signals (ECG, EEG and EMG), medical images (X-ray images and tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pathological/histology images), biomedical omics data and clinical data. We will introduce the classical signal and image processing methods (i.e., Fourier transform, image filtering and enhancement, image restoration and reconstruction, wavelet and multiresolution processing, edge detection and image segmentation, and clustering and classification) and latest techniques (i.e., deep learning, multimodality machine learning and graph neural networks), as well as theories and methods for statistical analysis (i.e., hypothetical testing and analysis of variance, generalized linear regression, survival analysis, omics data normalization, genetic testing and annotation, and disease classification).

学习目标(Learning outcomes)

  1. 了解大数据医疗和精准医疗背景下,信号处理、机器学习、统计学、生物医学信息等学科交叉的趋势,获得跨学科视野,提升专业热情。

Understand the tendency of intersection of signal processing, machine learning, statistics and biomedical informatics under the background of medical big data and precision medicine, develop inter-disciplinary viewpoints and improve professional insights.

  1. 掌握生物医学信号的统计和处理中的基本概念,认识从信号处理、表示识别到统计分析的全过程。

Understand the basic concepts in processing and statistical analysis of biomedical signals and the whole process of process, representation, classification and statistical analysis.

  1. 掌握生物医学信号的统计和处理理论知识,描述处理方法的数学模型和求解过程,理解统计结果的实际意义。

Demonstrate the knowledge of statistical and processing theories for biomedical signals, describe the mathematical formulation and solving process for processing, and interpret the statistical results.

  1. 独立实现对于典型生物医学信号(生物电信号、医学影像、组学数据、临床数据)处理和统计的基本方法。

Implement the basic algorithms for statistical analysis and processing of typical biomedical signals (e.g., bioelectrical signals, medical images, biomedical omics data and clinical data).

  1. 掌握生物医学影像(X射线影像、断层扫描成像、磁共振成像、超声影像等)处理的各种经典和最新方法,清楚各种方法优缺点,能够针对实际问题选择合适方法。

Understand the practical benefits and limitations of various biomedical image processing approaches (state-of-the-arts and most recent methods), and identify the best solution for specific practical problems.

  1. 针对涉及生物医学信号的相关任务/系统,培养处理、统计和分析的综合能力,通过协作完成课题设计。

Co-operate to analyze, propose, carry out and present the project designs for specific task/system related to biomedical signals with a comprehensive capacity in processing and statistical analysis.










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